On Thursday we had Olympic Day at school. In the afternoon, we got into countries and tried different modified sports. We worked together to earn points for our team. We also dressed in our countries colours as part of our KidsCan Mufti Day. It was lots of fun and Miss Collins and Mrs Tizzard saw lots of smiles on Room One faces.
Miss Collins and Mrs Tizzard's equestrian steeplechase was a huge hit! Neigh!
Mrs Leatham's station was like a field event at the olympics.
Miss Williamson ran the tug of war which students loved!
Say cheese...
Mrs Campbell ran an event like javelin. We had to throw a rolled up magazine.
Three legged races were a hit with Mrs Sprosen.
Sack races were fun but tiring!
Mrs Geal's dress up game was funny! It took team work!
The Closing Ceremony was great to be part of!
Medal winners!