Monday, April 25, 2016

Being A Learner: Using Devices to Support Our Learning

This term the Kakano Teachers want to incorporate the iPads and computers more into their teaching and learning programmes in Term 2.  We have dabbled in Term 1 and are excited about the students enthusiasm and the opportunities that the devices provide.     

Please ensure that the home apps that your child has on their iPad are suitable for school and are age appropriate.  

For the students who are bringing their own device can they please have the FREE apps listed below.   

  • Pic Collage - great for creating and sharing learning
  • QR Reader - accessing websites safely
  • iMovie (comes free with iPad)
  • Blogger - A Google tool
  • Dropbox - A place to store files
  • Mathletics - A programme that the school provides a free subscription for
  • Reading Eggs - - A programme that the school provides a free subscription for
  • Lark - great for creating and sharing learning
  • Wonderbox - an exploring and creating app designed for young children
  • Chatterkid - Oral language, sharing our thinking and creating app
  • You Tube - a place to support our learning
  • Google Suite - Chrome, Classroom, Slides, Docs, Drive, Sheets, Gmail, maps

Great Apps which cost that we will be using on the class iPads which you may choose to purchase:
  • Explain Everything
  • Easy Blogger
Here is a picture to help you find the apps:

Here are the Google Apps: