Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Being A Learner: Our Inquiry Celebration - A Grandparents Afternoon Tea

Today we had our Kakano Inquiry Celebration which was a Grandparents Afternoon Tea.  The students have been learning about their families and discussing things that make their family special.  
Today each class made an afternoon tea item which was shared across the other classes which meant we had a selection of foods to have.  We had tea and coffee for the adults and juice for our LNS Learners.  
The Room 1 Learners then showed their artwork, writing and read their browsing books to our Grandparents.  The Grandparents commented on how much they loved spending time at school with their grandchildren.   Mrs Cherry wished she was a grandparent of a LNS learner so she pretended to be Karter's Nana!    The LNS learners showed wonderful Respect by letting the adults go first and by passing plates of food around to share.  

Thank you Grandparents for coming along today! 

Kayden and Taua

Maia-Grace and Nana

Ruby and her Nana

Amelia, her Mum and her Great Nan

Aaliyah and her Nana

Bellah with her Papa and Nan 

Having afternoon tea

Lockie, Nana and Grandad Richard from Ashburton

Kaleb and his Nana

Mrs Cherry pretending to be Karter's Nana

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Being a Learner: Mm is for Mlikshake

Our letter of the week is Mm. On Monday we made Chocolate Milkshakes! It was a fun experience. We had to mix the milk and chocolate syrup together in a blender and it made the milkshakes all frothy. Now we are writing about our experience.
"I had a milkshake. It smelt like chocolate." By Mesake
"I drank the milkshake. It was delicious." By Lily-Jean