Monday, February 16, 2015

Our Butterflies Hatched!

In the holidays Miss Collins bought Room One a swan plant.  A swan plant is the special kind of plant that the Monarch Butterfly lays hers eggs on.  A Monarch Butterfly laid eggs on our plant and they hatched into caterpillars. The catterpillars ate ALL of our swan plant and got really fat.  Then they hung upside down like the letter J.  After a wee while they went into a chrysalis.  We have been waiting a long time for our butterflies to hatch and today the did!  It was very exciting!

Here is a link if you want to more learning at home: 

This is us watching the butterfly hatch from the cocoon.

This is the butterfly flapping its wings to dry them so it can fly away and lay some more eggs.

This the butterfly flying away to look for another plant to lay its eggs on.

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