Monday, July 11, 2016

Being A Learner: It's the Holidays!

Yay!  It's the holidays!  
Here are 10 ideas to try that are free or cheap!

  1. Take a walk in the Botanical Gardens and Hagley Park
  2. Visit the Canterbury Museum
  3. Walk the Bridle Path
  4. Bake at home using our Basic Biscuit recipe on the blog, decorate and EAT!
  5. Make a hut inside using blankets and chairs and then have a picnic inside it. 
  6. Go on a colour hunt in your house. Take photos of a certain colour and make a PicCollage.
  7. Write a letter to someone
  8. Visit the local Library and get some books out
  9. Make a “city” with cars, toys and boxes for buildings
  10.  Make a mini-themed play area: in a large rectangle bucket or tray create your own play scene. For example: use a smaller container (like an empty margarine container) filled with water, and in the rectangle bucket place rocks, small twigs, bark or sticks from trees for an outdoor scene
We look forward to hearing about your holiday adventures!

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